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This is the list of reported bugs. To get information on discovered bugs as soon as possible subscribe to the ScriptBasic mailing list.
Most of the reports bear historical value. Reports are generated by the developers and tend to be precise. Bug reports coming from the users to the ScriptBasic developers are informal, and sometimes not precise. On the other hand these reports have practical value suggesting patching the actual source or workaround in case the user is not able to recompile the code. If the original bug report was created by external user the report has an acknowledgement section. User generated bug reports are handled usually within a week. The response is a bug report giving patch instructions and workaround. In case the bug is serious regarding security or basic interpreter functions a new release is built as soon as possible. You may face some of these bugs if you use an older version of ScriptBasic. Please do not! Upgrade!
bug010716102501.html The name of the file is built up the following way: