2.52. mysql.bas

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MySQL is usually not started on the development machine where this documentation is compiled, therefore here we only list this code without the result printout.

Example testmysql.bas :

import mysql.bas

dbh = mysql::Connect("test") print "The data base handle is: ",dbh,"\n" ' mysql::Shutdown dbh ' print mysql::ErrorMessage(),"\n" print mysql::Stat(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"delete from users where name='Kakukk'" print "Affected rows after delete is: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"insert into users values ('Kakukk',52)" print "Affected rows after inserting kakukk: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print print "Info is: ",mysql::Info(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"select * from users order by name desc" print "Affected rows after select: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print ' mysql::DataSeek dbh,1 ' print i=0 while mysql::fetcharray(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". ",q[0]," ",q[1] print wend print "Character set name is: ",mysql::CharacterSetName(dbh) print

mysql::query dbh,"select * from users order by name desc" print "Affected rows after select: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print ' mysql::DataSeek dbh,1 ' print i=0 while mysql::FetchHash(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". " print print "name=",q{"name"} print print "age=",q{"age"} print wend

' mysql::DataSeek dbh,0 on error resume next mysql::query dbh,"select * from user" print "Last error is: ",mysql::ErrorMessage(dbh) print print "Client info is: ",mysql::GetClientInfo() print print "Host info is: ",mysql::GetHostInfo(dbh) print print "Proto info is: ",mysql::GetProtoInfo(dbh) print print "Server info is: ",mysql::GetServerInfo(dbh) print

mysql::query dbh,"SHOW PROCESSLIST" print "Affected rows after show processlistselect: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print i=0 while mysql::fetcharray(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". ",q[0] ' mysql::kill dbh,q[0] print wend print "ping result: ",mysql::Ping(dbh) print "haho" print on error resume next mysql::Query dbh,"INSERT INTO autoinc values ('huuuh',null)" print mysql::ErrorMessage(dbh) print print mysql::InsertId(dbh) print

print "Thread id=",mysql::ThreadId(dbh) print mysql::kill dbh, mysql::ThreadId(dbh)


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