ScriptBasic Regression Test Documentation

by Peter Verhas

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

Compiling this documentation executes a series of ScriptBasic programs and gets both the source code and the result into the final documentation. The reason for this is to have regression test for each new version of ScriptBasic more or less documented.

Some regression test can not be performed from this documentation compilation. In such case the source file is still included into this documentation but the program is not executed. These are CGI programs, console IO testing programs or some programs that require more interactivity than just stdin input and stdout output.

This documentation was created using


2. Command Line Tests


2.1. testnt.bas

This test some functions of the module NT.

Example testnt.bas :

import nt.bas

print nt::RegRead("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\SCRIPTBASIC\\CONFIG"),"\n" print nt::RegRead("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\SCRIPTBASIC\\DWORD"),"\n" print nt::RegRead("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\SCRIPTBASIC\\BIN"),"\n"


nt::RegWrite "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\SCRIPTBASIC\\" , "default value"


Result executing testnt.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:

The result printed should be the full path to the configuration file of the actual installation and undef twice.

After executing this script check the Windows NT registry to see that the sample program has written some information into it.


2.2. reftest.bas

This program generated access violation until v1.0b26. This was because ScriptBasic handled variable references to other variables in an extremely simple manner.

Example reftest.bas :

sub test(a)
 undef q
 print a
end sub
q[1] = 1
test q[1]
print q

Result executing reftest.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.3. const.bas

This program test the difference local (module local) and global constants.

Example const.bas :

module TEST
Global Const a = "a "
Const b = "b "

sub TestSub const c = "c " print " values in TestSub=",a,b,c,"\n" var a print "a in sub=",a,"\n" end sub

print "values in the module=",a,b,c,"\n" print "values called from within the module:\n" TestSub var a print "a in module=",a,"\n" end module print "values outside the module=",a,b,c,"\n" print "values called from outside the module:\n" TEST::TestSub var a print "a in global=",a,"\n"

Result executing const.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.4. commandline.bas

Example commandline.bas :

' This program demonstrates the command function
' start the program using the command line:
'     scriba commandline.bas a b c d e f
print "The command line was:\n",command(),"\n"


2.5. gdtest.bas

This program creates a file `test.png' with some graphics in it.

Example gdtest.bas :

import gd.bas

brush = gd::Create(10,10) white = gd::Color(brush,255,255,255) black = gd::Color(brush,0,240,0) gd::Line brush,0,0,10,10,black gd::Line brush,0,10,10,0,black

' gd::SavePng brush,"brush.png"

image = gd::Create(400,300)

white = gd::Color(image,255,255,255) gd::SetTransparentColor image,white black = gd::Color(image,0,0,0) red = gd::Color(image,255,0,0) blue = gd::Color(image,0,0,255) green = gd::Color(image,0,255,0)

gd::Point image,0,0,black

gd::Rectangle image,200,50,250,100,red gd::FilledRectangle image,225,75,275,125,green

gd::Rectangle image,324,190,376,290,black gd::SetTile image,brush ' caused stack overflow on a fine NT? Should be some poor implementation 'gd::FillToBorder image,325,191,black,gd::Tiled

gd::Circle image,350,50,40,blue gd::FillToBorder image,350,50,blue,green gd::Fill image,201,51,blue

gd::SetBrush image,brush gd::Line image,300,200,300,350,gd::Brushed

gd::SetColor image,black

gd::SetFont image,gd::FontTiny gd::print image,0,0,"THIS PICTURE WAS CREATED FROM ScriptBasic USING THE MODULE GD/PNG" gd::print image,0,10,"x=",gd::SizeX(image)," y=",gd::SizeY(image) gd::print image,100,100,"Tiny ",12*3+55

gd::SetFont image,gd::FontSmall gd::print image,100,120,"Small ",55*63

gd::SetFont image,gd::FontMedium gd::print image,100,150,"Medium ",24/19

gd::SetFont image,gd::FontLarge gd::print image,100,190,"Large ",sin(3.1)

gd::SetFont image,gd::FontGiant gd::print image,100,240,"Giant ",log(1000)

for i=0 to 65 step 5 gd::Line image,i,20,65-i,75 next i

LineStyle[0] = black LineStyle[1] = black LineStyle[2] = undef LineStyle[3] = undef LineStyle[4] = red LineStyle[5] = green LineStyle[6] = blue LineStyle[7] = undef LineStyle[8] = red LineStyle[9] = red

gd::LineStyle image,LineStyle

gd::Line image,0,90,100,90,undef

for i=0 to 65 step 5 gd::Line image,i,100,65-i,165,undef next i

ImagePng = gd::Png(image)

gd::Destroy image

fn = 0 open "test.png" for output as fn binmode fn print#fn,ImagePng undef ImagePng close#fn

print "donez\n"


2.6. asc.bas

Example asc.bas :

print asc("ALMA")
print asc("00")
print asc(undef)

Result executing asc.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.7. replace.bas

Example replace.bas :

print Replace("alabama mama", "a","x",3,5)
OriginalString = "a-a-a-a-"
StringToReplace = "a"
ReplaceString ="KURTA"
for i=-1 to 5
  print Replace(OriginalString,StringToReplace,ReplaceString,i)
next i
print "---------\n"
print Replace(OriginalString,StringToReplace,ReplaceString)
for i=-1 to 5
  print Replace(OriginalString,StringToReplace,ReplaceString,i,3)
next i
print "---------\n"
print Replace(OriginalString,StringToReplace,ReplaceString,undef,3)

Result executing replace.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.8. replace_bug1.bas

This program is to test a bug that was present in earlier version of ScriptBasic.

Example replace_bug1.bas :

print replace("abcd","bc","x"),"\n"

Result executing replace_bug1.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.9. replace_bug2.bas

This program is to test a bug that was present in earlier version of ScriptBasic.

Example replace_bug2.bas :

print replace("abcd","b","x"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","bc","xx"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","b","xx"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","bc","x"),"\n"

Result executing replace_bug2.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.10. replace_bug3.bas

This program is to test a bug that was present in earlier version of ScriptBasic.

Example replace_bug3.bas :

print replace("abcd","b","x"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","b","xx"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","bc","xx"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","bc","x"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","b","x"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","bc","xx"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","b","xx"),"\n"
print replace("abcd","bc","x"),"\n"

' axcd ' axxcd ' axxc ' axx ' ' axcd ' axxd ' axxcd ' axx

Result executing replace_bug3.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.11. stringfunexa.bas

Example stringfunexa.bas :

' This concatenation will result "65"
a = 6 & 5
' the first character of the string "65" is used
q = STRING(5,a)
' val(65) on the other hand is "A"
w = STRING(5,val(a))
print "This should print 66666AAAAA\n"
print q,w

Result executing stringfunexa.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.12. scompare.bas

Example scompare.bas :

option compare sbCaseInSensitive
const nl="\n"
a{"kakukk"} ="birka"
a{"mukik"} = "hurka"
a{"mukak"} = "hurki"

print a{"KAKUKK"},nl

Result executing scompare.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.13. testcall.bas

This program tests the function call features of ScriptBasic. This tests rather the syntax analyzer capabilities and less the run-time. The function call syntax is rather free and is implemented by a special syntax analysis function in the interpreter. It is allowed to call a function without the keyword Call is the function is already defined, but is needed if the function/sub is not defined yet (before the actual function/sub definition).

Calling a function can be with and without arguments, and the arguments can be enclosed between parentheses but it is not a must unless the function is called inside and expression. Using parenthesis can be confusing when the first argument is enclosed between parentheses but the argument list is not. For this case a special algorithm is applied that counts the opening and closing parentheses on the line following the function call. This is tested in this program.

Example testcall.bas :

Call MySub(1,2,3)
Call MySub 2,3,4
Call MySub(3),4,5
Call MySub 4,(5),6
Call MySub
Call MySub()
Call MySub(3)

sub MySub(a,b,c) ByVal a,b,c if not isdefined(a) then a = "-" if not isdefined(b) then b = "-" if not isdefined(c) then c = "-" print a," ",b," ",c print "\n"

end sub

MySub(1,2,3) MySub 2,3,4 MySub(3),4,5 MySub 4,(5),6 MySub MySub() MySub(3) Call MySub(1,2,3) Call MySub 2,3,4 Call MySub(3),4,5 Call MySub 4,(5),6 Call MySub Call MySub() Call MySub(3)

Result executing testcall.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.14. recurse.bas

This program tests recursive function call of the simplest type. It actually does nothing, but calculates the number 10. It knows that 10 is assigned to 10 and that the number assigned to a number x < 10 is the same as the number assigned to x+1.

Example recurse.bas :

' This function calculates the number 10
' recursively
function Calculate10(x)

print "Starting calculate 10 for the number ",x,"\n"

if x = 10 then Calculate10 = x else Calculate10 = Calculate10(x+1) endif

print "Ending calculate 10 for the number ",x,"\n"

end function

Calculate10 1

Result executing recurse.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.15. msgbox.bas

This program uses the module nt and displays several message boxes. It actually displays all possible message box options, with several buttons, and signs. This program is interactive and thus it is not executed when this document is compiled.

Example msgbox.bas :

import nt.bas

nt::MsgBox """This program test the various text boxes.

In the coming message boxes press the various keys as requested by the text and check on the console window that the program reported the correct button you pressed. (Only initials are printed.) ""","Initial MsgBox"

splita " |ARI|O|RC|YN|YNC" BY "|" TO buttons splita " |W|I|Q|S" BY "|" TO marks

for j=lbound(marks) to ubound(marks)

for i=lbound(buttons) to ubound(buttons)

for d=1 to len(buttons[i]) print i," ",buttons[i]," ",j," ",marks[j]," ",d,"\n" R = nt::MsgBox(buttons[i],marks[j],buttons[i],marks[j],d) print R print

next d next i next j


2.16. testpow.bas

This program tests the power operator. The power operator is quite complex, because it is implemented to result valid result in as many cases as possible.

Example testpow.bas :

print "here comes a lot of 1:\n"
print 2 ^ 0
print -2 ^ 0
print 2.0 ^ 0
print -2.0 ^ 0
print "2" ^ 0
print "-2" ^ 0
print "2.0" ^ 0
print "-2.0" ^ 0
print "here comes\n2-22-22-22-2\n"
print 2 ^ 1
print -2 ^ 1
print 2.0 ^ 1
print -2.0 ^ 1
print "2" ^ 1
print "-2" ^ 1
print "2.0" ^ 1
print "-2.0" ^ 1
print " and it did!! I told you, believe me!\n"
print "here comes a lot of 4:\n"
print 2 ^ 2
print -2 ^ 2
print 2.0 ^ 2
print -2.0 ^ 2
print "2" ^ 2
print "-2" ^ 2
print "2.0" ^ 2
print "-2.0" ^ 2
print "2.2 ^ 2 =", 2.2 ^ 2," = ", 2.2*2.2
print 2.2 ^ -2, " should be the same as ", 1/ (2.2 ^2)
print 2.2 ^ (1/2), " should be same as ",sqr(2.2)
print 2.2 ^ -(1/2), " should be same as ", 1/ (2.2^(1/2))
print 2.2 ^ (-1/2), " last time this number"
print "again with strings\n"
print "2.2" ^ 2
print "2.2" ^ -2, " should be the same as ", 1/ (2.2 ^2)
print "2.2" ^ "0.5", " should be same as ",sqr(2.2)
print "2.2" ^ -(1/2), " should be same as ", 1/ (2.2^(1/2))
print "2.2" ^ (-1/2), " last time this number, ... really, I promise..."
print "1.0"/sqr("22E-1")
print "1.0"/sqr("2.2")
print "never trust a program! Any program, ever!\n"

Result executing testpow.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.17. testproclist.bas

This program tests the ListProcesses function of the module nt. As you can see there were quite a few processes running on my machine when I compiled this document.

Example testproclist.bas :

import nt.bas

nt::ListProcesses PS

for i=lbound(PS) to ubound(PS)

for j=0 to 8 print PS[i,j]," " next j print "\n"

next i

Result executing testproclist.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.18. testre.bas

This program tests the regular expression module named re.

Example testre.bas :

import re.bas

re::m("alma","a(.*)a") print re::format("qqq$1qqq")

Result executing testre.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.19. testshutdown.bas

It would be unwise to run this sample program during document compilation. To test it run it from the command line on an NT box an see it shutting down.

Oh, and do not forget: you have to have the appropriate privileges to shutdown the NT box to be successful!

Example testshutdown.bas :

import nt.bas

nt::ShutDown undef,undef,0,1,1


2.20. teststservice.bas

This program is not executed during the document compilation because its working has to be checked using the NT SCM. Run it on your NT box if you have one and want to use this function.

Example teststservice.bas :

import nt.bas
print """This test program starts, pauses, continues and stops
the "Removable Storage" service. After each step it waits for user input.
Check the state of the service in the SCM graphical display
pressing F5 to refresh the graphical interface and then
press ENTER in this command window to go on to the next step.
Service$ = "NtmsSvc"
nt::StartService Service$
print Service$ & " has been started\n"
line input wait
nt::PauseService Service$ 
print Service$ & " is paused...\n"
line input wait
nt::ContinueService Service$
print Service$ & " is continued...\n"
line input wait
nt::StopService Service$
print Service$ & " has been stopped\n"
line input wait


2.21. callarg_ex.bas

This program tests,… well, er… I do not know what it tested originally. But at least it executes fine.

Example callarg_ex.bas :

sub thisfunc(a,b,c,d)

print a print print b print print c print print d print

a = "kakukk" thisfunc = "barna maci"

testvar = "kék maci"

end sub

sub thatfunc(a,b,c,d)

print "testvar is ",testvar

end sub

print "haho!!!\n"

Result executing callarg_ex.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.22. toolstest.bas

This program tests two function pairs from the module t. The program creates a three-dimensional array, then converts it to string and saves the string into a file. After the file is loaded into memory and converted back.

Example toolstest.bas :

import t.bas

sub PrintVar(V,level) local i,j

if IsArray(V) Then for i=lbound(V) to ubound(V) print space(level) print i,"->" PrintVar V[i],level+1 next i exit sub end if

print V,"\n" end sub

for i=1 to 5 for j=1 to 5 for k=1 to 5 a[i,j,k] = i*j*k next k next j next i

s = t::Array2StringMD5(a)

t::SaveString "savedarray.bin",s

s = undef

q = t::LoadString("savedarray.bin")

t::String2ArrayMD5 b,q

PrintVar b,1

Result executing toolstest.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.23. trick.bas

This program demonstrates the old trick that had to be used before the operator ByVal was introduced.

Example trick.bas :

#! /usr/bin/scriba
print " "
call f(a+0)
print a
call f(a)
print a
function f(x)
end function

Result executing trick.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.24. ctestif

Example ctestif.bas :

' FILE: ctestif.bas
' This basic program creates another BASIC program to test the IF/ELSEIF/ELSE
' construction executions. This program creates a program that has
' several IF ELSEIF ELSE ENDIF constructs with all possible true/false
' conditions orders. The generated program should NOT write out any "FAILED"
' and should print several OKs
' Finally the the two numbers should match the constants printed counting the printed
' OKs ensuring that all OKs were printed and counting the hopefully zero FAILED prints.

' ' You can change this, but increasing it ' exponentially increases the size of the ' generated program CONST LIMIT = 8

open "testif.bas" for output as 1 print#1,"""' This program was created by createtestif.bas ' for more information on this program read the comments of that program """ print#1,"c=0\nu=0\nfor i=1 to 2" c=0 for i=1 to LIMIT for j=0 to 2^i print#1, "IF ",ABS(odd(j))," THEN\n" if odd(j) then print#1, "print ",c,",\" \",c,\" OK\\n\"\nc+=1\n" c+=1 OKwas = true else print#1, """print "FAILED\\n"\nu+=1\n""" OKwas = 0 endif

BITS = j for k=1 to i BITS \= 2 if not OKwas and odd(BITS) then print#1, "ELSE IF 1 THEN\n" print#1, "print ",c,",\" \",c,\" OK\\n\"\nc+=1\n" c+=1 OKwas = true else print#1, "ELSE IF ",abs(odd(BITS))," THEN\nprint \"FAILED\\n\"\nu+=1\n" endif next k print#1, "ELSE\n" if OKwas then print#1, """print "FAILED\\n"\nu+=1\n""" else print#1, "print ",c,",\" \",c,\" OK\\n\"\nc+=1\n" c+=1 endif print#1, "END IF\n\n" next j print#1, "' ------\n" next i print#1, "next\n" print#1,"print c,\" = ",2*c,"\"\nprint\n" print#1,"print u,\" = ",0,"\"\nprint\n" close 1 print "Program testif.bas was created\n"

Result executing ctestif.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:

Result executing testif.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.25. hostname.bas

This program tests the function hostname(). It prints it on the screen.

Example hostname.bas :

print "The local host name is :", hostname(),"\n"

Result executing hostname.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.26. array.bas

Example array.bas :

c = a[5]
print a[5,3],c

Result executing array.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.27. cbigboy.bas

Example cbigboy.bas :

' Run this program to create the BASIC program
' Run bigboy with the command line:
'   scriba bigboy.bas -o bigboy.bbf
' Now you have both the source and the intermediate compiled version
' run
'        basic bigboy.bas
' and run
'        basic bigboy.bbf
' and see the difference in the speed of the startup.
open "bigboy.bas" for output as 1

print#1, "a=1\n" for i=1 to 10000 print #1,"a = a +1\nprint a,\"\\n\"\n" next

close 1


2.28. http.bas

This sample program fetches the opening page of the ScriptBasic site. Because the regression test usually executed on an off-line machine this code is not executed during the compilation of this document.

Example http.bas :

' This is a sample showing how easy to download a 
' web page using ScriptBasic
open "" for socket as 1
print#1,"GET / HTTP/1.0\nHost:\n\n"
while not eof(1)
 line input #1,a
 print a
close 1


2.29. kill.bas

This script tests the command kill. To execute it get some harmless process running (like vi or notepad) and get the pid of it using the command ps on UNIX or the task manager under NT kill the process using this program.

After executing the program check that the process is gone.

Example kill.bas :

print "give me a pid to kill!"
line input pid
if kill(pid) then
  print "success\n"
  print "cannot kill\n"


2.30. factime.bas

This program test the different file time settings. This program can run on both UNIX and NT however on UNIX create time is not defined.

Example factime.bas :

print FormatDate("YEAR MON DD HH:mm:ss",FileCreateTime("kill.bas"))
print FormatDate("YEAR MON DD HH:mm:ss",FileModifyTime("kill.bas"))
print FormatDate("YEAR MON DD HH:mm:ss",FileAccessTime("kill.bas"))
set file "kill.bas" createtime=TimeValue(1970,10,2,14,53)
set file "kill.bas" modifytime=TimeValue(1980,10,2,14,53)
set file "kill.bas" accesstime=TimeValue(1990,10,2,14,53)
print "------------------\n"
print FormatDate("YEAR MON DD HH:mm:ss",FileCreateTime("kill.bas"))
print FormatDate("YEAR MON DD HH:mm:ss",FileModifyTime("kill.bas"))
print FormatDate("YEAR MON DD HH:mm:ss",FileAccessTime("kill.bas"))

Result executing factime.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.31. funcallexa.bas

This function tests the function definition and calling in a nested situation. The local variable x should be undef both times when this is printed.

Example funcallexa.bas :

a = MyFunction(1,2,MyFunction(1,1,1))
print a
function MyFunction(a,b,c)
local x

print a,b,c,x printnl x = a * b * c MyFunction = a + b + c

end function

Result executing funcallexa.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.32. instrrev.bas

Example instrrev.bas :

print InStrRev("almafa","maf")
print InStrRev("almafa","alma")
print InStrRev("almafa","afa")
print InStrRev("almafa","faa")

a = "alabama mama" StartPosition = 5000 while IsDefined(StartPosition) StartPosition = InStrRev(a,"ma",StartPosition) print StartPosition print StartPosition = StartPosition - 1 wend

Result executing instrrev.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.33. instr.bas

Example instr.bas :

print InStr("almafa","maf")
print InStr("almafa","alma")
print InStr("almafa","afa")
print InStr("almafa","faa")

a = "alabama mama" StartPosition = 1 while IsDefined(StartPosition) StartPosition = InStr(a,"ma",StartPosition) print StartPosition print StartPosition = StartPosition + 1 wend

Result executing instr.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.34. strconv.bas

Example strconv.bas :

a =  "123"
print a+1
a = a-1
print a & "bib"

Result executing strconv.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.35. like.bas

Example like.bas :

Const nl="\n"
a="13*52" like "#*#"
print joker(1)," ",joker(3),nl
a="13*52" like "#~*#"
print joker(1)," ",joker(2),nl
set no joker "*"
a="13*52" like "#*#"
print joker(1)," ",joker(2),nl

Result executing like.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.36. localexa.bas

Example localexa.bas :

a = 1
call MySub(a+0)
print a
sub MySub(x)
x = x + 1
end sub

Result executing localexa.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.37. lock.bas

Example lock.bas :

open "lock.bas" for binary as 1
lock #1, write
print "Locked now:"
' line input a
lock #1, release
print "unlocked, but still open"
' line input a
close 1
print "closed"

Result executing lock.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.38. locktest1.bas

Example locktest1.bas :

open "locktest.txt" for output as 1
lock region#1 from 1 to 5 for write
for i=1 to 5
print #1, "A"
next i
print "5 bytes are done\n"
for i=1 to 5
print #1, "B"
next i
print "10 bytes are done first 5 bytes are locked\n"
' line input a
close 1

Result executing locktest1.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.39. locktest2.bas

Example locktest2.bas :

open "locktest.txt" for input as 1
line input#1,a
print a
close 1

Result executing locktest2.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.40. locktest3.bas

Example locktest3.bas :

open "locktest.txt" for random as 1
for i=1 to 5
print #1, "D"
next i
print "10 bytes are done first 5 bytes are locked\n"
' line input a
close 1

Result executing locktest3.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.41. mandel1.bas

Example mandel1.bas :

import japi.bas

function mandel(zre,zim,maxiter) local x,y,tmp,betrag local iter

x=0.0 y=0.0 iter=0 betrag=0.0

while iter < maxiter iter += 1 tmp=x*x-y*y+zre y=2*x*y+zim x=tmp betrag = x*x + y*y if betrag > 4 then mandel = iter exit function end if wend mandel = maxiter end function

breite=320 hoehe=240 do_work=FALSE

xstart = -1.8 xend = 0.8 ystart = -1.0 yend = 1.0

frame = japi::frame("Variables Mandelbrot") japi::setborderlayout(frame)

menubar = japi::menubar(frame) file$ = japi::menu(menubar,"File") calc = japi::menu(menubar,"Calc") quit = japi::menuitem(file$,"Quit") start = japi::menuitem(calc,"Start") stopp = japi::menuitem(calc,"Stop")

canvas = japi::canvas(frame,breite,hoehe)

japi::pack(frame) japi::show(frame)

' Waiting for actions x=-1 y=-1 while true if do_work then obj=japi::getaction() else obj=japi::nextaction() endif if obj = quit then stop

if(obj = start) then x=-1 y=-1 do_work=TRUE japi::setnamedcolor(canvas,J_WHITE) endif if(obj = stopp) then do_work=FALSE

if(do_work) then x=(x+1) % breite if(x = 0)then y=(y+1) % hoehe if((x = breite-1) and (y = hoehe-1)) then do_work=FALSE else zre = xstart + x*(xend-xstart) / breite zim = ystart + y*(yend-ystart) / hoehe it = mandel(zre,zim,512) japi::setcolor(canvas,(it*11),(it*13),(it*17)) japi::drawpixel(canvas,x,y) endif endif

if(obj = canvas)then breite = japi::getwidth(canvas) hoehe = japi::getheight(canvas) x=-1 y=-1 endif



2.42. curdir.bas

Example hedbergtest.bas :

print CurDir
print IsDirectory(CurDir)

Result executing hedbergtest.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.43. onerror.bas

This program tests the error handling of ScriptBasic. It has to print An error has occured, but this is no problem.. In case you uncomment the ON ERROR GOTO statement inside the subroutine the subroutine has to handle the error.

Example onerror.bas :

sub ErrorSub
'on error goto ErrorLabel
open "nofile" for input as 1

print "No error has occured in the function"

goto FinishLabel ErrorLabel: print "An error has occured inside the sub" print FinishLabel: end sub

on error goto ErrorLabel


print "No error" goto FinishLabel

ErrorLabel: print " An error has occured, but this is no problem."


Result executing onerror.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.44. evaorder.bas

This test demonstrates that ScriptBasic evaluates first the left values and then the expression. Therefore this program prints 56.

Example evaorder.bas :

function q
 z = z + 1
 q = z
end function

z =55 a[q()] = z print a[56]

Result executing evaorder.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.45. misc.bas

This program tries to test several features of the ScriptBasic interpreter. On some configuration it may stop with out of memory. In that case check the configuration file memory limit for each interpreter.

Example misc.bas :

' Testing that ScriptBasic is capable printing out constant string
print "print is OK\n"

' testing numeric operators

print "Testing numeric operators...\n"

a = 2^3 if a = 8 then print "Power operator seems to be OK\n" else print "Power operator said that 2^3=",a,"\n" stop endif

a = 2*5 if a = 10 Then print "multiply operator seems to be OK\n" else print "multiply operator said that 2*5=",a,"\n" stop endif

a = 10/2 if a = 5 Then print "div operator seems to be OK\n" else print "div operator said that 10/2=",a,"\n" stop endif

print "9/2=",9/2 printnl

print "9\\2=",9\2 printnl

print "9%4=",9%4 printnl

print "1+1=",1+1 printnl

print "6-3=",6-3 printnl

print "6-3+2=",6-3+2 printnl

print "6=6?",6=6 print print "6=3?",6=3 print print "3<>3?",3<>3 print print "2<>3?",2<>3 print print "2<3?",2<3 print print "3<2?",3<2 print print "3>2?",3>2 print print "2>3?",2>3 print print "2<=3?",2<=3 print print "3<=2?",3<=2 print print "3>=2?",3>=2 print print "2>=3?",2>=3 print print "2<=2?",2<=2 print print "2>=2?",2>=2 print print "3=",1 or 2 print print "2=", 3 and 2 print print "2=", 3 xor 1 print

print "testing string concatenation...\n" print "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" & "a" print

print "testing the for loop\n" for i=1 to 10 print i next print

print "testing heavy memory usage via string concatenation...\n" q = "" for i = 1 to 1024 q = q & " " next print "q is now string of length ",len(q)," bytes\n" print print "Creating a one megabyte string concatenating 1024 times a 1K string." print print "Be patient...\n" p = q q = "" for i = 1 to 1024 if i%100 = 0 then print "." endif q = q & p next print print "q is now string of length ",len(q)," bytes\n" print "was it ",1024*1024," bytes?\n" if 1024*1024 = len(q) then print "yes it was\n" else print "No it is a problem...\n" stop endif

Result executing misc.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.46. bdbtransact.bas

Example bdbtransact.bas :

include bdb.bas
Const nl = "\n"

DB = bdb::open("alma.db",bdb::BTree,bdb::Create,0)

bdb::BeginTransaction print "transaction started\n" Counter = bdb::Get(DB,"COUNTER") print "Counter is ",Counter,nl

If IsDefined(Counter) Then Counter = Counter + 1 bdb::Update DB,Counter print "updated\n " Else Counter = 1 bdb::Put DB,"COUNTER",Counter print "put\n " End If bdb::EndTransaction print "transaction has finished\n"


' bdb::Drop "alma.db"

Result executing bdbtransact.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.47. testcio.bas

This program tests the console IO capabilities of the module CIO. This is extremely interactive thus here we list only the source code and not the result. The result is actually series of colorful and flashing console screens.

This program is Windows specific and can not be executed under UNIX.

Example testcio.bas :

import cio.bas

cio::SetColor FBlue or BGrey cio::cls i = 1 while 1

if i % 2 Then cio::SetColor FBlue or BGrey Else cio::SetColor FBlue or BIntense End If

Xs = cio::SizeX() Ys = cio::SizeY()

cio::gotoxy 10,23 print "The console size is : ",Xs," ",Ys,"\n" print "The possible maximal sizes are: ",cio::PossibleMaxX()," ",cio::PossibleMaxY(),"\n" print "The actual size is: ",cio::SizeX()," ",cio::SizeY()

cio::SetCursor 50

cio::gotoxy 1,40 for j=1 to 300 cio::SetColor j print "Q" next j

sleep 1 if cio::kbhit() then ch = cio::getch() cio::gotoxy 10,20 print "Key ",ch," was pressed..." if ch = 13 then cio::nobreak if ch = asc("a") then cio::break end if

cio::gotoxy 10,10 print i i += 1 print " " print cio::GetTitle() cio::SetTitle i wend


2.48. concol.bas

This program lists all the possible console character colors on a windows console. This program can not be executed under UNIX

Example concol.bas :

import cio.bas

cio::SetColor FWhite cio::cls cio::SetTitle "Testing console colors" for i=1 to 255 cio::gotoxy +(i \ 16) * 4 , +(i % 16) * 2 cio::gotoxy( (i \ 16) * 4 , +(i % 16) * 2 ) cio::gotoxy (i \ 16) * 4 , +(i % 16) * 2 cio::SetColor (i) j = i if i < 100 then j = "0" & j print j next i cio::SetColor FWhite cio::SetCursor 0 i = cio::getch() print "\nDONEZ\n"


2.49. compare.bas

This program tests different comparisions.

Example compare.bas :

' note that strings are multi line
print """This program tests different string comparisions.
The result should be a lot of 1
printed. If there is any 0 printed there 
is an error in the interpreter.


if "a" = "a" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "a" <> "a" then print 0 else print 1 end if

if "a" < "a" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "a" < "b" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "b" < "a" then print 0 else print 1 end if

if "a" > "a" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "a" > "b" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "b" > "a" then print 1 else print 0 end if

if "a" <= "a" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "a" <= "b" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "b" <= "a" then print 0 else print 1 end if

if "a" >= "a" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "a" >= "b" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "b" >= "a" then print 1 else print 0 end if

REM comparing different length strings

if "a" = "ab" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "a" <> "ab" then print 1 else print 0 end if

if "a" < "ab" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "ab" < "b" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "b" < "ab" then print 0 else print 1 end if

if "a" > "ab" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "a" > "bb" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "b" > "ab" then print 1 else print 0 end if

if "a" <= "ab" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "ab" <= "b" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "b" <= "ab" then print 0 else print 1 end if

if "ab" >= "a" then print 1 else print 0 end if if "ab" >= "b" then print 0 else print 1 end if if "b" >= "ab" _ then print 1 else print 0 end if

print "\ntest ended\n"

Result executing compare.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.50. hash.bas

This program tests the hash module.

Example hash.bas :

import hash.bas
Const nl="\n"
h = hash::New()
hash::SetValue h,"evil",666
Zazu = hash::Value(h,"evil")
print Zazu,nl
Zazu = "BILL"
print hash::Value(h,"evil"),nl
hash::Release h

Result executing hash.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.51. math.bas

Example math.bas :

print "testing the function pow\n"
for i=-20 to 20
  print pow(i)
next i
print "testing the function exp\n"
for i=-20 to 20
  print exp(i)
next i
print "testing the function log\n"
for i=0 to 2 step 0.1
  print log(i)
next i
print "testing the function log10\n"
for i=0 to 2 step 0.1
  print log10(i)
next i
print "testing the function sin\n"
for i=-pi to +pi step pi/20.0
  print sin(i)
next i

for i=-pi to +pi step pi/20.0 print space((sin(i)+1.0)*30),"*" print next i

Result executing math.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.52. mysql.bas

MySQL is usually not started on the development machine where this documentation is compiled, therefore here we only list this code without the result printout.

Example testmysql.bas :

import mysql.bas

dbh = mysql::Connect("test") print "The data base handle is: ",dbh,"\n" ' mysql::Shutdown dbh ' print mysql::ErrorMessage(),"\n" print mysql::Stat(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"delete from users where name='Kakukk'" print "Affected rows after delete is: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"insert into users values ('Kakukk',52)" print "Affected rows after inserting kakukk: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print print "Info is: ",mysql::Info(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"select * from users order by name desc" print "Affected rows after select: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print ' mysql::DataSeek dbh,1 ' print i=0 while mysql::fetcharray(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". ",q[0]," ",q[1] print wend print "Character set name is: ",mysql::CharacterSetName(dbh) print

mysql::query dbh,"select * from users order by name desc" print "Affected rows after select: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print ' mysql::DataSeek dbh,1 ' print i=0 while mysql::FetchHash(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". " print print "name=",q{"name"} print print "age=",q{"age"} print wend

' mysql::DataSeek dbh,0 on error resume next mysql::query dbh,"select * from user" print "Last error is: ",mysql::ErrorMessage(dbh) print print "Client info is: ",mysql::GetClientInfo() print print "Host info is: ",mysql::GetHostInfo(dbh) print print "Proto info is: ",mysql::GetProtoInfo(dbh) print print "Server info is: ",mysql::GetServerInfo(dbh) print

mysql::query dbh,"SHOW PROCESSLIST" print "Affected rows after show processlistselect: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print i=0 while mysql::fetcharray(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". ",q[0] ' mysql::kill dbh,q[0] print wend print "ping result: ",mysql::Ping(dbh) print "haho" print on error resume next mysql::Query dbh,"INSERT INTO autoinc values ('huuuh',null)" print mysql::ErrorMessage(dbh) print print mysql::InsertId(dbh) print

print "Thread id=",mysql::ThreadId(dbh) print mysql::kill dbh, mysql::ThreadId(dbh)



2.53. sleep.bas

Running this program prints the numbers from 1 to 20 with 1 sec delay between them. Running this program from the documentation compilation increases the document compilation with 20 sec and is useless as we can not check interactively the delay between the printouts. Therefore here we list only the code and the result has to be checked separately.

Example sleep.bas :

for i=1 to 20
print i
sleep 1
next i


2.54. time.bas

This program checks the time functions of ScriptBasic.

Example time.bas :

Const nl = "\n"
for i=1 to 5
 print i,".\n"
 print "The local         time is: ",Year,".",Month,".",Day," ",Hour,":",Minute,":",Sec,nl
 print "The Greenich mean time is: ",FormatDate("YEAR.MM.DD hh:mm:ss",GmTime()),nl
 a = now
 b = TimeValue(year,month,day,hour,minute,sec)
 print "Local time is sec from Now():",a,nl, _
       "Local time in sec from TimeValue(...)",b,nl, _
       "The difference should be zero: ",a-b,nl
 print "GMT:",GmTime,"=",LocalTimeToGmTime(Time),nl
 print "LCT:",Time,"=",GmTimeToLocalTime(GmTime),nl
 sleep 1
next i

Result executing time.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.55. mkdir.bas

To run this test open two terminal windows. Start the program in one until you get the first message. Test in the second window that the directories hoho and hoh/haha were created.

Press enter and after the program has finished check that the directory disappeared.

Example mkdir.bas :

mkdir "./hoho/haha"
print "Now you have dir hoho/haha\n"
print "Press enter..."
line input q
deltree "hoho"
print "Now you do not have dir hoho\n"


2.56. argpass.bas

Example argpass.bas :

sub test_sub(a,b,c)
local lv,d
d = 1
print "1 a b c>",a," ",b," ",c,"\n"
a += 1
b = c + d
lv = 66
gv = 55
print "2 a b c>",a," ",b," ",c,"\n"
end sub

lv = 77 gv = 100

a = 1 b = 2 c = 3

test_sub a,b,c print "3 a b c>",a," ",b," ",c,"\n"

print "4 lv gv>",lv," ",gv,"\n"

test_sub ByVal a, b, c print "5 a b c>",a," ",b," ",c,"\n"

Result executing argpass.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.57. callsyntax.bas

This program test that the syntax analyzer checks the parentheses around the CALL subroutine call arguments correct.

This file should compile and run without error producing no output.

Example callsyntax.bas :

sub test_sub

end sub

Call test_sub Call test_sub a Call test_sub(a) Call test_sub a,b Call test_sub(a,b) Call test_sub (a),b Call test_sub ((a),b) Call test_sub (left(a,2))+3 Call test_sub left(a,2)+3 Call test_sub (left(a,2)+3,3) Call test_sub (i+2)/3 , (j+2)/4


2.58. reftest1.bas

This sample tests that though the global array is released undef-ing it the local variable a referencing it still has the value. The program should print 1undef.

Example reftest1.bas :

sub test(a)
 undef q
 print a
end sub
q[1] = 1
test q[1]
print q

Result executing reftest1.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.59. reftest2.bas

This sample allocates an array as local variable. A global variable referenced by the function argument is set to reference the array. Note that it is not the local variable a is the one that references the array, but rather the global variable that is referenced by a,namely q. If we wanted a to reference the array z then we could use undef a before the ref statement.

When the function returns the array is not released when the local variables are released, because there is a reference to it (variable q) and thje program prints the elements of q.

Example reftest2.bas :

sub test(a)
 local z,i
 for i=1 to 10
  z[i] = i

ref a = z end sub

sub testi(h) test h end sub

testi q

for i=1 to 10 print i,". ",q[i],"\n" next i

Result executing reftest2.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.60. reftest3.bas

This sample is the same as `reftest2.bas' with the addition that the function is calling itself recursively ten times. This time when the command ref is issued the argument is a variable referencing reference, referencing ... ten times. Still the effect has to be the same.

Example reftest3.bas :

sub test(a,s)
 local z,i

if s = 1 then

for i=1 to 10 z[i] = i next ref a = z



endif end sub

test q,100

for i=1 to 10 print i,". ",q[i],"\n" next i

Result executing reftest3.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.61. reftest4.bas

This sample demonstrates the difference between undef a and a = undef.

Example reftest4.bas :

' Set b to be 12
b = 12
' a becomes the same as b
ref a = b
' b is already the same as a
ref b = a
' b is undefed, but a retains the value
undef b
print a," = 12\n"
undef a

b = 12 ref a = b ref b = a ' this does not brake the reference, but assigns undef to b (and a) b = undef print a," = undef\n"

Result executing reftest4.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


2.62. lettest.bas

This test demonstrates that the assignment copies a whole array recursively, strings, reals, integers, subarrays and even references. When z is changed the last printout has to change also.

Example lettest.bas :

z = "eggdrop"
a[1] = 1
a[2] = 1.1
a[3] = "1111111"
a[4,1] = 4
a[4,2] = 4.4
a[4,3] = "4444444444444444"
ref a[4,4,5,4,5,5,6] = z
b = a
print b[1] ,"\n"
print b[2] ,"\n"
print b[3] ,"\n"
print b[4,1] ,"\n"
print b[4,2] ,"\n"
print b[4,3] ,"\n"
print b[4,4,5,4,5,5,6] ,"\n"
z = "chicken"
print b[4,4,5,4,5,5,6] ,"\n"

Result executing lettest.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:


3. CGI Programs

Test programs in this chapter can not be executed in this document, therefore they are only listed here. Some of them can be executed as a CGI process, some specifically require the Eszter SB Application Engine execution environment.


3.1. mt.bas

This is a test program that has to executed in the Eszter SB Application Engine. This is useless being executed from the command line, and in addition being useless result extension specific error, because the CGI module can not handle the execution environment.

Start the Eszter SB Application Engine, configure it so that this program can be executed from some of the configured virtual directories and execute the program.

Note that the Eszter SB Application Engine has both the CGI and the MT modules statically linked so it has to work even if these modules are not installed on the machine.

Example mt.bas :

#!/usr/bin/scriba -c
global const nl = "\n"
Const NumberOfCookies = 3

include cgi.bas include mt.bas

option cgi$Method cgi::Get or cgi::Upload

cgi::Header 200,"text/html"


'------------------------------------------------------- print """<HTML> <HEAD> <title>MT module testing</title> </HEAD> <BODY><font face="VERDANA" size="2"> <H1>MT module testing</H1>

""" '-------------------------------------------------------

MTVar = mt::GetVariable("testvariable") if not isdefined(MTVar) then MTVar = 1 MTVar = MTVar +1 mt::SetVariable "testvariable",MTVar

print "The variable is: ",MTVar,""" <p> """

call mt::SetSessionId "1" if not isdefined(mt::GetSessionVariable("a")) then mt::SetSessionVariable "a",13 mt::SetSessionVariable "a" ,mt::GetSessionVariable("a")+1 print "The session variable \"a\" is ",mt::GetSessionVariable("a"),"<p>\n"

mt::DeleteSession "1"

call mt::SetSessionId "2" if not isdefined(mt::GetSessionVariable("a")) then mt::SetSessionVariable "a",14 mt::SetSessionVariable "a",mt::GetSessionVariable("a")+2 print "The session variable \"a\" is ",mt::GetSessionVariable("a"),"<p>\n"

print "The current directory is ",curdir(),"<p>\n"

print "The new session is:",mt::GetSessionId(),""" mt:SessionTimeout 20*60,"timeout.bas" </BODY> </HTML> """


3.2. mtlock.bas

This is a test program that has to executed in the Eszter SB Application Engine. This is useless being executed from the command line, and in addition being useless result extension specific error, because the CGI module can not handle the execution environment.

Start the Eszter SB Application Engine, configure it so that this program can be executed from some of the configured virtual directories and execute the program.

Note that the Eszter SB Application Engine has both the CGI and the MT modules statically linked so it has to work even if these modules are not installed on the machine.

Example mtlock.bas :

#!/usr/bin/scriba -c

' ' Call this program from several browsers and test locking and unlockings ' seeing how the different programs run and return an answer '

global const nl = "\n"

include cgi.bas include mt.bas

option cgi$Method cgi::Get or cgi::Upload

cgi::Header 200,"text/html"


'------------------------------------------------------- print """<HTML> <HEAD> <title>MT module lock testing</title> </HEAD> <BODY><font face="VERDANA" size="2"> <H1>MT module lock testing</H1>

""" '-------------------------------------------------------

if isdefined(cgi::Param("lockw")) then mt::LockWrite cgi::Param("lockw") end if

if isdefined(cgi::Param("lockr")) then mt::LockRead cgi::Param("lockr") end if

if isdefined(cgi::Param("unlockw")) then mt::UnlockWrite cgi::Param("unlockw") end if

if isdefined(cgi::Param("unlockr")) then mt::UnlockRead cgi::Param("unlockr") end if

print """This is OK </BODY> </HTML> """


3.3. echo.bas

Example echo.bas :

#!/usr/bin/scriba -c
global const nl = "\n"
Const NumberOfCookies = 3

include cgi.bas

option cgi$Method cgi::Get or cgi::Upload

' cgi::RequestBasicAuthentication "Test Realm" cgi::Header 200,"text/html"

' ' We are setting several cookies. The expiry time is ten seconds so you can test that ' the cookies are sent by the browser if you press some of the buttons fast enough, ' but it does not if you are slow ' for i=1 to NumberOfCookies ' cookie(i) is i, no domain is defined, path is /, expires after 5 seconds, not secure cgi::SetCookie "cookie" & i,i,undef,"/",gmtime()+10,false next i


'------------------------------------------------------- print """<HTML> <HEAD> <title>CGI parameter testing</title> </HEAD> <BODY><font face="VERDANA" size="2"> <H1>View CGI Parameters</H1> This page shows the cgi parameters the way it was uploaded. <!-- here is the result of the previous HTTP request --> <FONT SIZE="3"> <PRE> CGI system variables --------------------

""" '-------------------------------------------------------

print "ServerSoftware = ",cgi::ServerSoftware(), nl print "ServerName = ",cgi::ServerName(), nl print "GatewayInterface= ",cgi::GatewayInterface(),nl print "ServerProtocol = ",cgi::ServerProtocol(), nl print "ServerPort = ",cgi::ServerPort(), nl print "RequestMethod = ",cgi::RequestMethod(), nl print "PathInfo = ",cgi::PathInfo(), nl print "PathTranslated = ",cgi::PathTranslated(), nl print "ScriptName = ",cgi::ScriptName(), nl print "QueryString = ",cgi::QueryString(), nl print "RemoteHost = ",cgi::RemoteHost(), nl print "RemoteAddress = ",cgi::RemoteAddress(), nl print "AuthType = ",cgi::AuthType(), nl print "RemoteUser = ",cgi::RemoteUser(), nl print "RemoteIdent = ",cgi::RemoteIdent(), nl print "ContentType = ",cgi::ContentType(), nl print "ContentLength = ",cgi::ContentLength(), nl print "UserAgent = ",cgi::UserAgent(), nl print "Cookie = ",cgi::RawCookie(), nl

print "Referer = ",cgi::Referer(),nl print "Password = ",Environ("HTTP_PASSWORD"),nl print "Full auth string= ",Environ("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"),nl print "\nCookies:\n" for i=1 to NumberOfCookies print "cookie" & i," ",cgi::Cookie("cookie" & i),"\n" next i

print "Text field using Param(\"TEXT-FIELD\") is ",cgi::Param("TEXT-FIELD"),nl,nl

if cgi::RequestMethod() = "GET" then print "GET text field using GetParam(\"TEXT-FIELD\") is ",cgi::GetParam("TEXT-FIELD"),nl end if

if cgi::RequestMethod() = "POST" then print "POST text field using PostParam(\"TEXT-FIELD\") is ",cgi::PostParam("TEXT-FIELD"),nl if cgi::ContentType() like "multipart*" then print "Original file name is ",cgi::FileName("FILE-UPLOAD-NAME"),nl if cgi::FileLength("FILE-UPLOAD-NAME") > 0 then print "File of length ",cgi::FileLength("FILE-UPLOAD-NAME")," bytes is saved\n" on error goto NoSave cgi::SaveFile "FILE-UPLOAD-NAME","E:/MyProjects/sb/upload.txt" else print "There is no uploaded file." end if end if end if


print "An error has happened saving the file. Code =",error(),nl

resume next


3.4. echoquerystring.bas

Example echoquerystring.bas :

#! /usr/bin/scriba -c
include cgi.bas
cgi::Header 200,"text/html"
print """<HTML>
print Environ("QUERY_STRING")
print """</PRE>


3.5. getparam.bas

Example getparam.bas :

#! /usr/bin/scriba -c
include cgi.bas
cgi::Header 200,"text/html"
print """<HTML>
print cgi::GetParam("apple")
print """</PRE>


3.6. listenv.bas

Example listenv.bas :

#! /usr/bin/scriba -c
include cgi.bas
cgi::Header 200,"text/html"
print """<HTML>
i = 0
while IsDefined( Environ(i) )
  print i," ",Environ(i),"\n"
  i = i+1
print """</PRE>


3.7. mysqlcgi.bas

Example mysqlcgi.bas :

import mysql.bas
import cgi.bas

option cgi$Method cgi::Get or cgi::Upload

cgi::Header 200,"text/html" cgi::FinishHeader print """ <html><body> Now we start to connect to the MySQL Server <PRE> """

dbh = mysql::Connect("test") print "The data base handle is: ",dbh,"\n" ' mysql::Shutdown dbh ' print mysql::ErrorMessage(),"\n" print mysql::Stat(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"delete from users where name='Kakukk'" print "Affected rows after delete is: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"insert into users values ('Kakukk',52)" print "Affected rows after inserting kakukk: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print print "Info is: ",mysql::Info(dbh) print mysql::query dbh,"select * from users order by name desc" print "Affected rows after select: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print ' mysql::DataSeek dbh,1 ' print i=0 while mysql::fetcharray(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". ",q[0]," ",q[1] print wend print "Character set name is: ",mysql::CharacterSetName(dbh) print

mysql::query dbh,"select * from users order by name desc" print "Affected rows after select: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print ' mysql::DataSeek dbh,1 ' print i=0 while mysql::FetchHash(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". " print print "name=",q{"name"} print print "age=",q{"age"} print wend

' mysql::DataSeek dbh,0 on error resume next mysql::query dbh,"select * from user" print "Last error is: ",mysql::ErrorMessage(dbh) print print "Client info is: ",mysql::GetClientInfo() print print "Host info is: ",mysql::GetHostInfo(dbh) print print "Proto info is: ",mysql::GetProtoInfo(dbh) print print "Server info is: ",mysql::GetServerInfo(dbh) print

mysql::query dbh,"SHOW PROCESSLIST" print "Affected rows after show processlistselect: ",mysql::AffectedRows(dbh) print i=0 while mysql::fetcharray(dbh,q) i=i+1 print i,". ",q[0] ' mysql::kill dbh,q[0] print wend print "ping result: ",mysql::Ping(dbh) print "haho" print on error resume next mysql::Query dbh,"INSERT INTO autoinc values ('huuuh',null)" print mysql::ErrorMessage(dbh) print print mysql::InsertId(dbh) print

print "Thread id=",mysql::ThreadId(dbh) print mysql::kill dbh, mysql::ThreadId(dbh)


print """ </PRE> </BODY></HTML> """


3.8. postparam.bas

Example postparam.bas :

#! /usr/bin/scriba -c
include cgi.bas
cgi::Header 200,"text/html"
print """<HTML>
print cgi::PostParam("apple")
print """</PRE>


3.9. 1runrestart.bas

Example 1runrestart.bas :

import mt.bas

chdir "\\"

mt::ListSessions SessionArray

for i= lbound(SessionArray) to ubound(SessionArray) if len(SessionArray[i]) > 3 then print "Deleting the session ",SessionArray[i],"\n" mt::DeleteSession SessionArray[i] end if next i sleep 30


3.10. cgigetex.bas

Example cgigetex.bas :

import cgi.bas

q = undef cgi::Header 200,"text/html" cgi::FinishHeader

print """ <HTML> <HEAD> <title>GetParamEx test</title> </HEAD> <BODY> <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2"> <H1>GetParamEx testing</H1> This is a test that checks the cgi module function GetParamEx. Call this script using the URL <FONT SIZE="3"> <pre> /cgi-bin/cgimodtest.bas?a=1&amp;a=2&amp;a=anything </pre> </font> <p> """ do

param = cgi::GetParamEx("a",q) print "Param is ",param," q is ",q,"<p>\n"

loop while IsDefined(param)

print """That is all </BODY> </HTML> """


3.11. run404.bas

Example run404.bas :

print """HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

<HTML> <BODY> The real page was not found, however<P> """ print "Hello, this program runs\n" for i=1 to 10 print sin(i*pi/10),"\n" print "<P>\n" next i

print "</BODY></HTML>\n"