The CURL module provides easy and still powerful functions to perform various network oriented actions that are based on URL to access data. For example CURL can perform getting data via HTTP, HTTPS from web pages, POST data to web pages, transer file to and from servers via FTP and so on.
To use the module the program has to import the BASIC "header" file named curl.bas. This should be done using the command import:
import curl.bas
Note that there are no double quotes around the file name to include the definition of the C implemented curl functions from the module interface header files include directory.
There are only a few functions defined in this file. The first function that an application has to call is curl::init() to get a handle to a connection. A single program can use several connections simultaneous, tough currently there is no possibility to download large files asynchronous.
Follwing the initialization the program has to set several options calling curl::option, and then should call the function curl::perform to actually perform the download/upload or other network action. When a connection is not used anymore the function curl::finish can be called, though this function is executed automatically for each connection when the interpreter exists.
import curl.bas
CURL = curl::init()
curl::option CURL,"URL",""
curl::option CURL,"FILE","C:\\ScriptBasicMirror\\html\\index.html"
curl::perform CURL
PRINT "Some error happened while trying to download ScriptBasic home page. The error message is:\n"
PRINT curl::error()
For more information on other functions read the appropriate chapters.
The name CURL is made of the name of the programming language C in which CURL is implemented and from the word URL. This text that you are reading is the documentation of the ScriptBasic implementation of CURL. This implementation includes an interface module that containc C coded BASIC callable function that map most (or some) of the CURL library functions. In other words using this program yu can access most (or some) of the functions that the CURL library provides.
Altough the CURL library is quite flexible, there are some options that are altered in this module to ease the use for BASIC programmers. For example the option POSTFIELDS accepts zero terminated string by default, because 1.) POST data usually does not contain zero character and 2.) this is the easy way for C programmers. On the other hand there is a possibility, though more complex to pass string and length to the option. Because all ScriptBasic strings are arbitrary binary data and not zero character terminated strings this second method is followed.
Some of the options on the C level accept long numbers from a finite set and CURL C header files define enum types for the purpose. In these cases the ScriptBasic interface requires strings being specified by the BASIC program as option and convert to long as appropriate to CURL.
The option names in the original CURL interface are defined in enum and thus options are defined as long constants. The BASIC interface works with strings, and converts the names specified as strings to their appropriate value. This is (I assume) simpler for the BASIC programmers and on the other hand induces only slight overhead as compared to network transfer times.
2. curl::init
Call this function before any other curl action. This function will return a handle
to the curl session. This handle should be used as first argument to any further curl calls.
CURL = curl::init()
The handle that the function returns is a small integer. However the program should not alter this value in any way. The good practice is to store the value in a variable and use it as it is without caring about the real value or type of the content.
If the initialization of the connection can not be performed MEMORY_LOW error occurs.
3. curl::option
Call this function to set the various options of the actual curl session.
curl::option CURL, "option" [, value]
The various options that the current version of the module supports are listed in the following sections. Note that the documentation is mainly copied from the original CURL lib documentation.
Some of the options require a string as a parameter. The strings usually should not contain zero character. The exception is the option POSTFIELDS, which is handled in a special way to allow the programmer to send arbitrary binary data as HTTP POST parameter.
The option names in the section titles in this document are followed by one of the words string, integer and flag.
curl::option CURL,"VERBOSE" curl::option CURL,"VERBOSE",TRUE curl::option CURL,"VERBOSE",1are the same as well as the oposit
curl::option CURL,"VERBOSE",FALSE curl::option CURL,"VERBOSE",0are the same.
curl::option CURL,"RESUME_FROM" curl::option CURL,"RESUME_FROM",0are the same.
The option names are implemented case sensitive in this module, thus you can not use "verbose" instead of "VERBOSE". Also the programmer should type the option names precisely, no mispelling is tolerated by the program.
3.1. BUFFER_SIZE integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"BUFFER_SIZE",1024
When a file is downloaded but not stored in a file the function curl::perform(CURL) returns the content of the downloaded file as a huge string. During the download this string is stored ina temporary buffer. The size of this buffer increases gradually as more and more bytes come. If there are 10 bytes coming at a time then the buffer will grow only ten bytes. This also means a new buffer allocation and copying the content of the buffer, which consumes system resources, especially for large files.
If you happen to know the estimated size of the file, you can set the initial size of the buffer to a huge value using this option. For example if you know that the file is 1024 bytes, you can set this option as in the example above. In that case when the first byte comes from the URL the 1024 byte length buffer is increased and when the consecutive bytes come there is space to store them without reallocating the buffer.
You need not worry about using this buffer when you handle small files, like web pages. If you see performace or memory shortage problems, then you may consider this option along with the option FILE that helps you store the downloaded file on disk.
3.2. CAINFO string
curl::option CurlHandle,"CAINFO","c:\\certs\mycert.pem"
Pass a string file naming holding the certificate to verify the peer with. This only makes sense when used in combination with the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option.
3.3. COOKIE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"COOKIE","mycookie=is rather long"
Pass a string as parameter. It will be used to set a cookie in the http request. The format of the string should be [NAME]=[CONTENTS]; Where NAME is the cookie name.
3.4. COOKIEFILE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"COOKIEFILE","c:\\WINDOWS\\cookies.txt"
Pass a string as parameter. It should contain the name of your file holding cookie data. The cookie data may be in Netscape / Mozilla cookie data format or just regular HTTP-style headers dumped to a file.
curl::option CurlHandle,"CUSTOMREQUEST","MOVE"
Pass a string as parameter. It will be user instead of GET or HEAD when doing the HTTP request. This is useful for doing DELETE or other more obscure HTTP requests. Don't do this at will, make sure your server supports the command first.
3.6. FILE
curl::option CurlHandle,"FILE","file_name"
Use this option to set the file name of the file where the result will be saved. When you set this option the file is opened and truncated assumed that the program has appropriate privileges. Thus if there was a file with the name the file will be overwrtitten even if the curl::perform function is not called. The file is opened, when the option is set and kept opened so long as the connection is "finished" or another INFILE or FILE option is specified for the connection.
If you donot specify any file to store the downloaded result, then the function curl::perform(CURL) will return the file as a single huge string.
Comment on internals (if you do not understand what I am talking about, most probably you do not need to):
The underlying CURL library requests an opened file handle passed to the library and a function that performs the file writing. The ScriptBasic interface gets the name of the file, opens the file, passes the opened file pointer to the library and specifies the stadard fwrite function to write the file.
The pointer to the function fwrite is taken from the support table, thus is any preloaded module altered this before setting this option the module function will be used.
The file is opened calling the system function fopen via the ScriptBasic support function calling stacks. This means that if some module implements a hook function to control file access that will be taken into account the same way as it is taken into accoung in the case of the BASIC command OPEN.
3.7. FTPPORT string
curl::option CurlHandle,"FTPPORT","222"
Pass a string as parameter. It will be used to get the IP address to use for the ftp PORT instruction. The PORT instruction tells the remote server to connect to our specified IP address. The string may be a plain IP address, a host name, an network interface name (under unix) or just a '-' letter to let the library use your systems default IP address.
3.8. HEADERFILE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"HEADERFILE","file_name"
Use this option to set the file name of the file where the header coming from the server will be saved. When you set this option the file is opened and truncated assumed that the program has appropriate privileges. Thus if there was a file with the name the file will be overwrtitten even if the curl::perform function is not called. The file is opened, when the option is set and kept opened so long as the connection is "finished" or another HEADERFILE option is specified for the connection.
Note: You need this option if you want to get the header and the body of a downloaded file into two separate files. You can easily get the header and the body into a single file if you use the option HEADER. Altough there is nothing that prevents, I see no real use of the two options aka HEADERFILE and flag HEADER) together. But you are free to use them together.
Comment on internals (if you do not understand what I am talking about, most probably you do not need to):
The underlying CURL library requests an opened file handle passed to the library and a function that performs the file writing. The ScriptBasic interface gets the name of the file, opens the file, passes the opened file pointer to the library and specifies the stadard fwrite function to write the file.
The pointer to the function fwrite is taken from the support table, thus is any preloaded module altered this before setting this option the module function will be used.
The file is opened calling the system function fopen via the ScriptBasic support function calling stacks. This means that if some module implements a hook function to control file access that will be taken into account the same way as it is taken into accoung in the case of the BASIC command OPEN.
3.9. INFILE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"INFILE","file_name"
Use this option to set the file name of the file where the source is for file upload. When you set this option the file is opened for reading, thus the file should exist and should be readable for the program. The file is opened, when the option is set and kept opened so long as the connection is "finished" or another INFILE or FILE option is specified for the connection.
You cannot use the options INTEXT and INFILE at the same time for the same connection. If you use both the latter specified will be used.
Comment on internals (if you do not understand what I am talking about, most probably you do not need to):
The underlying CURL library requests an opened file handle passed to the library and a function that performs the file writing. The ScriptBasic interface gets the name of the file, opens the file, passes the opened file pointer to the library and specifies the stadard fread function to read the file.
The pointer to the function fread is taken from the support table, thus is any preloaded module altered this before setting this option the module function will be used.
Curl optionally acepts the size of the file to report to the upload server. The implementation of this option interfacing automatically gets the size of the file specified in the option and sets the underlying option.
The file is opened calling the system function fopen via the ScriptBasic support function calling stacks. This means that if some module implements a hook function to control file access that will be taken into account the same way as it is taken into accoung in the case of the BASIC command OPEN.
3.10. INTERFACE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"INTERFACE",""
Pass a string as parameter. This set the interface name to use as outgoing network interface. The name can be an interface name, an IP address or a host name.
3.11. INTEXT string
curl::option CurlHandle,"INTEXT","""This is the content of the file
that we will upload.
Use this option to set the content of the file for any kind of upload. This option can be used to upload small files via HTTP or FTP, which are generated on-the-fly by the BASIC program, and there is no need to store the files locally.
You cannot use the options INTEXT and INFILE at the same time for the same connection. If you use both the latter specified will be used.
3.12. KRB4LEVEL string
curl::option CurlHandle,"KRB4LEVEL","confidential"
Pass a string as parameter. Set the krb4 security level, this also enables krb4 awareness. This is a string, 'clear', 'safe', 'confidential' or 'private'. If the string is set but doesn't match one of these, 'private' will be used. Set the string to NULL to disable kerberos4. The kerberos support only works for FTP.
3.13. PROXY string
curl::option CurlHandle,"PROXY",""
If you need libcurl to use a http proxy to access the outside world, set the proxy string with this option. To specify port number in this string, append :[port] to the end of the host name. The proxy string may be prefixed with [protocol]:// since any such prefix will be ignored.
3.14. PROXYPORT integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"PROXYPORT",8080
Use this option to set the proxy port to use unless it is specified in the proxy string PROXY.
3.15. PROXYUSERPWD string
curl::option CurlHandle,"PROXYUSERPWD","verhas:m23kkdUT"
Pass a string as parameter, which should be username:password to use for the connection to the HTTP proxy. If the password is left out, you will be prompted for it.
3.16. RANDOM_FILE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"RANDOM_FILE","c:\\WINNT4\pagefile.sys"
Pass a string to a zero terminated file name. The file will be used to read from to seed the random engine for SSL. The more random the specified file is, the more secure will the SSL connection become.
3.17. RANGE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"RANGE","3321-3322"
Pass a string as parameter, which should contain the specified range you want. It should be in the format "X-Y", where X or Y may be left out. HTTP transfers also support several intervals, separated with commas as in "X-Y,N-M". Using this kind of multiple intervals will cause the HTTP server to send the response document in pieces.
3.18. REFERER string
curl::option CurlHandle,"REFERER",""
Pass a string as parameter. It will be used to set the Referer: header in the http request sent to the remote server. This can be used to fool servers or scripts.
3.19. SSLCERT string
curl::option CurlHandle,"SSLCERT","???"
Pass a string as parameter. The string should be the file name of your certficicate in PEM format.
3.20. SSLCERTPASSWD string
curl::option CurlHandle,"SSLCERTPASSWD","m23kkdUT"
Pass a string as parameter. It will be used as the password required to use the SSLCERT certificate. If the password is not supplied, you will be prompted for it.
3.21. URL string
curl::option CurlHandle,"URL",""
The actual URL to deal with.
NOTE: this option is required to be set before curl::perform() is called.
3.22. USERAGENT string
curl::option CurlHandle,"USERAGENT","CURL 7.9.5 with SB Interface; v10b29"
Pass a string as parameter. It will be used to set the User-Agent: header in the http request sent to the remote server. This can be used to fool servers or scripts.
3.23. USERPWD string
curl::option CurlHandle,"USERPWD","verhas:m23kkdUT"
Pass a string as parameter, which should be username:password to use for the connection. If the password is left out, you will be prompted for it.
3.24. WRITEINFO string
curl::option CurlHandle,"WRITEINFO",""
Pass a string as parameter. It will be used to report information after a successful request.
As report and progress callback is not implemented in ScriptBasic CURL module, there is not much use of this option.
3.25. EGDSOCKET string
curl::option CurlHandle,"EGDSOCKET","\\.\\edg"
Pass a string path name to the Entropy Gathering Daemon socket. It will be used to seed the random engine for SSL.
3.26. POSTFIELDS string
curl::option CurlHandle,"POSTFIELDS","name=Edmund+Nielsen+Bohr&address=Downing+street+11"
Pass a string as parameter, which should be the full data to post in a HTTP post operation.
Note that CURL library also implements the option CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE for C programmers. That option is automatically called by the interface function, thus any binary BASIC string can be used as post parameter.
curl::option CurlHandle,"HTTPPROXYTUNNEL"
Set the parameter to get the library to tunnel all non-HTTP operations through the given HTTP proxy. Do note that there is a big difference to use a proxy and to tunnel through it. If you don't know what this means, you probably don't want this tunnel option.
3.28. VERBOSE flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"VERBOSE"
Set the parameter to get the library to display a lot of verbose information about its operations. Very useful for libcurl and/or protocl debugging and understanding.
3.29. NOPROGRESS flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"NOPROGRESS"
Setting the parameter tells the library to shut of the built-in progress meter completely. (NOTE: future versions of the lib is likely to not have any built-in progress meter at all).
3.30. HEADER flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"HEADER"
Setting the parameter tells the library to include the header in the output. This is only relevant for protocols that actually has a header preceeding the data (like HTTP).
3.31. NOBODY flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"NOBODY"
Setting the parameter tells the library to not include the body-part in the output. This is only relevant for protocols that have a separate header and body part.
3.32. FAILONERROR flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"FAILONERROR"
Setting the parameter tells the library to fail silently if the HTTP code returned is equal or larger than 300. The default action would be to return the page normally, ignoring that code.
3.33. UPLOAD flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"UPLOAD"
Setting the parameter tells the library to prepare for an upload. The option INFILE is also interesting for uploads.
3.34. POST flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"POST"
Setting the parameter tells the library to do a regular HTTP post. This is a normal application/x-www-form-urlencoded kind, which is the most commonly used one by HTML forms. See the option POSTFIELDS option for how to specify the data to post.
3.35. CRLF flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"CRLF"
Convert unix newlines to CRLF newlines on FTP uploads.
3.36. FTPLISTONLY flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"FTPLISTONLY"
Setting the parameter tells the library to just list the names of an ftp directory, instead of doing a full directory listin that would include file sizes, dates etc.
3.37. FTPAPPEND flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"FTPAPPEND"
Setting the parameter tells the library to append to the remote file instead of overwrite it. This is only useful when uploading to a ftp site.
3.38. NETRC flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"NETRC"
The parameter tells the library to scan your ~/.netrc file to find user name and password for the remote site you are about to access. Do note that curl does not verify that the file has the correct properties set (as the standard unix ftp client does), and that only machine name, user name and password is taken into account (init macros and similar things aren't supported).
curl::option CurlHandle,"FOLLOWLOCATION"
Setting the parameter tells the library to follow any Location: header that the server sends as part of a HTTP header. NOTE that this means that the library will resend the same request on the new location and follow new Location: headers all the way until no more such headers are returned.
curl::option CurlHandle,"TRANSFERTEXT"
Setting the parameter tells the library to use ASCII mode for ftp transfers, instead of the default binary transfer. For LDAP transfers it gets the data in plain text instead of HTML and for win32 systems it does not set the stdout to binary mode. This option can be useable when transfering text data between system with different views on certain characters, such as newlines or similar.
curl::option CurlHandle,"CLOSEPOLICY"
This option sets what policy libcurl should use when the connection cache is filled and one of the open connections has to be closed to make room for a new connection. This must be OLD or FRESH. If you specify OLD as argument libcurl close the oldest connection, the one that was created first among the ones in the connection cache. If you specify FRESH libcurl close the connection that was least recently used, that connection is also least likely to be capable of re-use.
curl::option CURL,"CLOSEPOLICY","OLD"
Note that the values are checked by the module case sensitive, thus you can not write "old" or "fresh" or mixed case words. Also the module does not tolerate any other form of the words, like OLDEST or NEW.
3.42. PUT flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"PUT"
Setting the parameter tells the library to use HTTP PUT a file. The file to put must be set with option INFILE.
curl::option CurlHandle,"SSL_VERIFYPEER"
Set the flag value to make curl verify the peer's certificate. The certificate to verify against must be specified with the option CAINFO option.
3.44. FILETIME flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"FILETIME"
Pass a long. If it is a non-zero value, libcurl will attempt to get the modification date of the remote document in this operation. This requires that the remote server sends the time or replies to a time querying command. The curl_easy_getinfo() function with the CURLINFO_FILETIME argument can be used after a transfer to extract the received time (if any). (Added in 7.5)
3.45. FRESH_CONNECT flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"FRESH_CONNECT"
Set the option to make the next transfer use a new connection by force. If the connection cache is full before this connection, one of the existinf connections will be closed as according to the set policy. This option should be used with caution and only if you understand what it does. Set to 0 to have libcurl attempt re-use of an existing connection.
3.46. FORBID_REUSE flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"FORBID_REUSE"
Set the option to make the next transfer explicitly close the connection when done. Normally, libcurl keep all connections alive when done with one transfer in case there comes a succeeding one that can re-use them. This option should be used with caution and only if you understand what it does. Set to 0 to have libcurl keep the connection open for possibly later re-use.
3.47. HTTPGET flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"HTTPGET"
Set thisoption to force the HTTP request to get back to GET. Only really usable if POST, PUT or a custom request have been used previously using the same curl handle.
3.48. TIMEOUT integer
' for example set the timeout to ten minutes
curl::option CurlHandle,"TIMEOUT",600
Pass an integer parameter containing the maximum time in seconds that you allow the libcurl transfer operation to take. Normally, name lookups can take a considerable time and limiting operations to less than a few minutes risk aborting perfectly normal operations. This option will cause curl to use the SIGALRM to enable timeouting system calls. NOTE that this does not work in multi-threaded programs!
3.49. LOW_SPEED_LIMIT integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"LOW_SPEED_LIMIT",100
Pass an integer as parameter. It contains the transfer speed in bytes per second that the transfer should be below during LOW_SPEED_TIME seconds for the library to consider it too slow and abort.
3.50. LOW_SPEED_TIME integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"LOW_SPEED_TIME",60
Pass an integer as parameter. It contains the time in seconds that the transfer should be below the LOW_SPEED_LIMIT for the library to consider it too slow and abort.
3.51. RESUME_FROM integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"RESUME_FROM",3321
Pass an integer as parameter. It contains the offset in number of bytes that you want the transfer to start from.
3.52. SSLVERSION integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"SSLVERSION",3
Pass an integer as parameter. Set what version of SSL to attempt to use, 2 or 3. By default, the SSL library will try to solve this by itself although some servers make this difficult why you at times will have to use this option.
3.53. TIMECONDITION string
curl::option CurlHandle,"TIMECONDITION","IFMODSINCE"
Pass a string as parameter. This defines how the TIMEVALUE time value is treated. You can set this parameter to IFMODSINCE or IFUNMODSINCE. This is aa HTTP-only feature.
Note that the values are checked by the module case sensitive, thus you can not write "ifmodsince" or "ifmodsince" or mixed case words.
3.54. TIMEVALUE integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"TIMEVALUE",curl::getdate("2 days ago")
Pass an integer as parameter. This should be the time in seconds since 1 jan 1970, and the time will be used as specified in the option TIMECONDITION or if that isn't used, it will be IFMODSINCE by default. (In other words curl will fetch the page only if that is newer than the specified time.)
To conveniently get such time-stamp values as accepted by this function as argument you can use the ScriptBasic function TIMEVALUE.
3.55. MAXREDIRS integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"MAXREDIRS",3
Pass an integer as parameter. The set number will be the redirection limit. If that many redirections have been followed, the next redirect will cause an error. This option only makes sense if the option FOLLOWLOCATION is used at the same time.
3.56. MAXCONNECTS integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"MAXCONNECTS",10
Pass an integer as parameter. The set number will be the persistant connection cache size. The set amount will be the maximum amount of simultaneous connections that libcurl may cache between file transfers. Default is 5, and there isn't much point in changing this value unless you are perfectly aware of how this work and changes libcurl's behaviour. Note: if you have already performed transfers with this curl handle, setting a smaller MAXCONNECTS than before may cause open connections to unnecessarily get closed.
3.57. CONNECTTIMEOUT integer
curl::option CurlHandle,"CONNECTTIMEOUT",10
Pass an integer as parameter. It should contain the maximum time in seconds that you allow the connection to the server to take. This only limits the connection phase, once it has connected, this option is of no more use. Set to zero to disable connection timeout (it will then only timeout on the system's internal timeouts). Specifying no value for this option is the same as specifying zero as all integer value options. See also the TIMEOUT option.
NOTE that this does not work in multi-threaded programs!
3.58. HTTPHEADER string
curl::option CurlHandle,"HTTPHEADER","Accept: image/gif"
Use this option to specify a header to be sent to the server. If you add a header that is otherwise generated and used by libcurl internally, your added one will be used instead. If you add a header with no contents as in Accept:, the internally used header will just get disabled. Thus, using this option you can add new headers, replace internal headers and remove internal headers.
You should call the function with this option for each extra header line that you want to add.
curl::option CurlHandle,"NOHTTPHEADER"
Use this option to delete all previous HTTPHEADER options. This may be needed when you use a single CURL connection to download several pages from the same server and did not call curl::finish and curl::init() again. Until you call curl::finish or specify this option all header lines remain effective.
After setting this option you can set various HTTPHEADER option strings to build up a new list.
3.60. QUOTE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"QUOTE","pwd"
Use this option to set arbitrary FTP commands that will be passed to the server prior to your ftp request. You can set more than one values for this option. The commands will be executed in the order they are specified.
3.61. NOQUOTE flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"NOQUOTE"
Use this option to delete all previously set QUOTE FTP command strings. Read the documentation of the option HTTPDEADER.
3.62. POSTQUOTE string
curl::option CurlHandle,"POSTQUOTE","site chmod 777 uploadedfile.txt"
Use this option to set arbitrary FTP commands that will be passed to the server after your ftp request. You can set more than one values for this option. The commands will be executed in the order they are specified.
3.63. NOPOSTQUOTE flag
curl::option CurlHandle,"NOPOSTQUOTE"
Use this option to delete all previously set POSTQUOTE FTP command strings. Read the documentation of the option HTTPDEADER.
3.64. HTTPPOST string
curl::option CurlHandle,"HTTPPOST","name=Desade+Marquis"
Use this option to specify form data in case of complex HTTP POST operation. As third argument specify a string as POST data. You can specify many post data calling the curl::option function with this option in successive calls. The string argument should have the following format:
This can be used to specify textual form data. This is like what the browser sends to the web server when an <input type=text name="name" value="content"> is used.
This can be used to specify a file to upload. This is like what the browser sends to the web server when an <input type=file name="name"> is used.
Add a form field named name with the contents as read from the local files named filename1 and filename2. This is identical to the previous, except that you get the contents of several files in one section.
Whenever you specify a file to read from, you can optionally specify the content-type as well. The content-type is passed to the server together with the contents of the file. The underlying CURL library will guess content-type for a number of well-known extensions and otherwise it will set it to binary. You can override the internal decision by using this option.
When you specify several files to read the contents from, you can set the content-type for all of them in the same way as with a single file.
3.65. ERRORBUFFER not implemented
This option is implemented in the original CURL library, but is not implemented in this interface.
The ScriptBasic interface sets this option automatically and you can access the error message calling the
BASIC function curl::error().
4. curl::perform
Call this function to perform the action that was initialized using the function
curl::init() and curl::option()
curl::perform CURL
5. curl::info
Call this function to get information on the performed action
after curl::perform was called
INFO = curl::info(CURL,info)
The argument info should be string and can take one of the valueslisted in the following sections. The return value is either a string, integer or real value according to the type of the requested information. The possible string arguments should be used in upper case letters, and should be precisely typed, no abbreviations or alternate forms of the words are recognized by the subroutine.
Note that the following sections were mainly compiled from the documentation of the original C language CURL package documentation curl_easy_getinfo.3 man page.
5.1. EFFECTIVE_URL string
The function returns the string of the effective URL of the last transfer.
5.2. HTTP_CODE integer
The function returns the integer status value of the lasttransfer.
5.3. FILETIME integer
The function returns the remote time of the retrieved document. If the result is zero it means that the time
can not be determined for some reson. It may happen that the server hides the time, or does not support the
command that is used to retrieve the file time.
5.4. TOTAL_TIME real
The function returns a real number; the total transaction time in seconds for the previous transfer. The returned
value is real and not integer because the fractional seconds are also taken into account.
The function returns a real number; the time, in seconds, it took from the start until the name resolving
was completed.
5.6. CONNECT_TIME real
The function returns a real number;
the time, in seconds, it took from the
start until the connect to the remote host (or proxy) was completed.
The function returns a real number;
the time, in seconds, it took from the
start until the file transfer is just about to begin. This includes all
pre-transfer commands and negotiations that are specific to the particular
protocol(s) involved.
5.8. SIZE_UPLOAD real
The function returns a real number;
the total amount of bytes that were
I see no reason why this is a real number but the underlying CURL library returns a double.
The function returns a real number;
total amount of bytes that were
I see no reason why this is a real number but the underlying CURL library returns a double.
The function returns a real number;
the average download speed, in bytes/seconds, that curl
measured for the complete download.
5.11. SPEED_UPLOAD real
The function returns a real number;
the average upload speed, in bytes/seconds, that curl
measured for the complete upload.
5.12. HEADER_SIZE integer
The function returns an integer;
the toal number of bytes received in all headers during the transfer.
5.13. REQUEST_SIZE integer
The function returns an integer;
the total number of bytes of the issued
requests. This is so far only for HTTP requests. Note that this may be more
than one request if FOLLOWLOCATION was set using curl::option.
5.14. SSL_VERIFYRESULT integer
The function returns an integer;
the result of the certification verification that was requested (using curl::option with the option SSL_VERIFYPEER).
The function returns a real number;
the content-length of the download. This
is the value read from the Content-Length: field.
I see no reason why this is a real number but the underlying CURL library returns a double.
The function returns a real number;
the specified size of the upload.
6. curl::finish
You can call this function to close the connection that was used by CURL and to release
all resources that were allocated to handle the connection. To call this function is not
a must as all the releasing tasks are automatically performed as soon as the interpreter
finishes execution the BASIC program. However it is a good practice to call this functions
especially if you want to access the file the perform routine downloaded.
curl::finish CURL
This function closes the connection to the remote URL, closes the local file (if there was opened any), and releases the memory that was used for the connection.
7. curl::error
If any error has happened this function can be used to retrieve the error message that the underlying
CURL library supplied.
print curl::error(CURL)
8. curl::escape
This function will convert the given input string to an URL encoded string and
return that string. All input characters that are not a-z,
A-Z or 0-9 will be converted to their "URL escaped" version.
URLencoded = curl::escape(URLnonencoded)
9. curl::unescape
This function will convert the given URL encoded input string to a "plain
string" and return that string. All input characters that are encoded %XX
where XX is a to digit hexadecimal character will be converted to their
plain text version. All + characters that are after the (or a) ? character
are converted to space.
URLencoded = curl::escape(URLnonencoded)
This behaviour of this function makes it easy to unescape URLs that contain not only the CGI GET parameter of the URL, but the whole URL. For exaple:
print curl::unescape("")
will print Nielsen
which is much better than having the web server name converted to something containing a space.
10. curl::getdate
This function returns the number of seconds since January 1st 1970, for the
date and time that the datestring parameter specifies.
Read further in the date string parser section below.
If the input string can not be parsed the function return zero.
The following is copied from the original curl_getdate manual page.
A "date" is a string, possibly empty, containing many items separated by whitespace. The whitespace may be omitted when no ambiguity arises. The empty string means the beginning of today (i.e., midnight). Order of the items is immaterial. A date string may contain many flavors of items:
Days of the week may be spelled out in full: Sunday, Monday, etc or they may be abbreviated to their first three letters, optionally followed by a period. The special abbreviations Tues for Tuesday, Wednes for Wednesday and Thur or Thurs for Thursday are also allowed.
A number may precede a day of the week item to move forward supplementary weeks. It is best used in expression like third monday. In this context, last DAY or next DAY is also acceptable; they move one week before or after the day that DAY by itself would represent.
The string tomorrow is worth one day in the future (equivalent to day), the string yesterday is worth one day in the past (equivalent to day ago).
Originally written by Steven M. Bellovin while at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Later tweaked by a couple of people on Usenet. Completely overhauled by Rich $alz and Jim Berets in August, 1990.
11. curl::version
Returns a human readable string with the version number of
libcurl and some of its important components (like OpenSSL
version) that were used to create the ScriptBasic module
curl.dll under Windows NT or under UNIX.
The module links the CURL library static thus you have to recompile it or download a newer binary of the module if there is a newer version of the CURL library even if you have installed a newer version of the library itself.