Documentation of the module cgi
by Peter Verhas
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Handle CGI input and output
3. Acknowledgements
4. Error Codes
5. cgi::GetParam("name")
6. cgi::PostParam("name")
7. cgi::GetParamEx("name",q) cgi::PostParamEx("name",q)
8. cgi::SaveFile("param","filename")
9. cgi::FileName("name")
10. cgi::FileLength("param")
11. Environment functions
12. ServerSoftware
13. cgi::ServerName
14. cgi::GatewayInterface
15. cgi::ServerProtocol
16. cgi::ServerPort
17. cgi::RequestMethod
18. cgi::PathInfo
19. cgi::PathTranslated
20. cgi::ScriptName
21. cgi::QueryString
22. cgi::RemoteHost
23. cgi::RemoteAddress
24. cgi::AuthType
25. cgi::RemoteUser
26. cgi::RemoteIdent
27. cgi::ContentType
28. cgi::ContentLength
29. cgi::UserAgent
30. cgi::RawCookie
31. cgi::Referer
32. cgi::Header
33. cgi::SetCookie
34. cgi::FinishHeader
35. Cookie("myCookie")
36. Template handling
37. Options that alter the behavour of the module CGI