Eszter SB Application Engine
by Peter Verhas
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Using The Eszter SB Engine
2.1. CD publishing
2.2. Pure client software
2.3. Web server applications
3. Installation Instructions
3.1. Start/Stop Sh Script
3.2. Configuring Apache for the Eszter SB Application Engine
4. Starting the engine
4.1. Starting on UNIX
4.2. Starting on Windows NT
4.3. Command line options
5. Stopping the engine
6. Configuration
6.1. threads
6.2. listenbacklog
6.3. port
6.4. ip
6.5. home
6.6. proxyip
6.7. user
6.8. pid
6.9. vdirs
6.10. run
6.11. client
6.12. errmsgdest
6.13. nolog
6.14. log
6.15. msg404
6.16. code404
6.17. run404
7. Code caching