4.10. mkth.cmd

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This command file converts a .texi.jam files in the directory `./html/texi' using `jamal.pl' to .texi files and then converts it using the Perl script t2h.pl to html files into the directory `../html/texi'. The command also starts TeX to convert the texi file to dvi, ps and pdf as well as the Microsoft hhc help compiler to result compiled html file (chm). The command file deletes all auxiliary files when done.

The script has to be executed from the source directory and should get a single argument that is the name of the documentation file without any extension. For example

call mkth auxfiles

will convert the file `auxfiles.texi.jam' (the source file for this text) to `auxfiles_toc.html' and `auxfiles_xxx.html' files in the appropriate html directory.

The command file mkath.cmd calls this command file for each .texi.jam file.

The souce code of the file `mkth.cmd' is:

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