Future developments

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Here I list the features that I have in my mind to develop for ScriptBasic, but I do not know when and how I will have time for it. If you like some of the ideas drop me a mail. If some idea gets more mails than other I will likely develop the one sooner.
I deliver lectures at the TU Budapest on the architecture of ScriptBasic. The students have to perform some home work. Some of them already volunteered to develop PostgreSQL, ORACLE interfaces, and to test fully the ODBC interface.
A student accepted the development of C++ API, another Java API so ScriptBasic programs will be able to be started from Java applications via the Java Native Interface.
TCP daemon version. This version is going to listen on several ports just as any usual daemon. When a Connection comes a basic program is started in the daemon process in a new thread an the program gets the Socket input on its standard input and the standard output is sent to the client.
MySQL module that keeps connections alive to speed up database handling for multi-thread implementations.

This page was generated January 28, 2010 9:58:53