2.24. ctestif

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Example ctestif.bas :

' FILE: ctestif.bas
' This basic program creates another BASIC program to test the IF/ELSEIF/ELSE
' construction executions. This program creates a program that has
' several IF ELSEIF ELSE ENDIF constructs with all possible true/false
' conditions orders. The generated program should NOT write out any "FAILED"
' and should print several OKs
' Finally the the two numbers should match the constants printed counting the printed
' OKs ensuring that all OKs were printed and counting the hopefully zero FAILED prints.

' ' You can change this, but increasing it ' exponentially increases the size of the ' generated program CONST LIMIT = 8

open "testif.bas" for output as 1 print#1,"""' This program was created by createtestif.bas ' for more information on this program read the comments of that program """ print#1,"c=0\nu=0\nfor i=1 to 2" c=0 for i=1 to LIMIT for j=0 to 2^i print#1, "IF ",ABS(odd(j))," THEN\n" if odd(j) then print#1, "print ",c,",\" \",c,\" OK\\n\"\nc+=1\n" c+=1 OKwas = true else print#1, """print "FAILED\\n"\nu+=1\n""" OKwas = 0 endif

BITS = j for k=1 to i BITS \= 2 if not OKwas and odd(BITS) then print#1, "ELSE IF 1 THEN\n" print#1, "print ",c,",\" \",c,\" OK\\n\"\nc+=1\n" c+=1 OKwas = true else print#1, "ELSE IF ",abs(odd(BITS))," THEN\nprint \"FAILED\\n\"\nu+=1\n" endif next k print#1, "ELSE\n" if OKwas then print#1, """print "FAILED\\n"\nu+=1\n""" else print#1, "print ",c,",\" \",c,\" OK\\n\"\nc+=1\n" c+=1 endif print#1, "END IF\n\n" next j print#1, "' ------\n" next i print#1, "next\n" print#1,"print c,\" = ",2*c,"\"\nprint\n" print#1,"print u,\" = ",0,"\"\nprint\n" close 1 print "Program testif.bas was created\n"

Result executing ctestif.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:

Result executing testif.bas :

Possible error messages sent to stderr:

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